Certification Program

Becoming MBOA certified is a significant professional accomplishment.  Codes protect the public by regulating safe construction.  Certification demonstrates a firm commitment to that public, and to code enforcement profession, by confirming and recognizing knowledgeable proficiency in the areas of management, technology and law as they relate to construction codes administration.

Certification is the key to enhanced professional stature.

Certification Information

Members in good standing with MBOA are encouraged to continue to develop the professional knowledge and skills through a series of Association recognized official courses.  A member may pursue certification through one of two designations.

Certified Building Code Official (CBCO)

CBCO Part 3 Buildings - Level 3
CBCO Housing - Level H  
Experience Appointed as Building Official at Level H for a minimum of 2 years and
Has addressed specified Program demands related to Level H Plan Reviews and/or Site Inspections
Acceptable Equivalents ACBOA "Certified-Housing" or
Equivalent to ACBOA "Certified-Housing" Designation from another BOA*
CBCO Part 9: Small Buildings - Level 9  
Prerequisites Is MBOA member in good standing and
Qualifies for or holds BCQ Levels H and 9 and CBCO Level H
Experience Appointed as Building Official at Level 9 for minimum of 2 years and
Has addressed specified Program demands related to Level 9 Plan Reviews and/or Site Inspections
Acceptable Equivalents ACBOA "Certified-Part 9" or
Equivalent to ACBOA "Certified-Part 9" Designation from another BOA*
Prerequisites Is MBOA member in good standing and
Qualifies for or holds BCQ Level 3 
Experience Appointed as Building Official at Level 3 for a minimum of 4 years and
Has addressed specified Program demands related to Level 3 Plan Reviews and/or Site Inspections
Acceptable Equivalents ACBOA "Certified-Part 3" or
Equivalent to ACBOA "Certified-Part 3" Designation from another BOA*


Building Code Qualified (BCQ)

BCQ Housing - Level H  
Exams Introduction to the MB Building Codes
Part 9 – The House
Part 9 – Plumbing
MB Building By-laws
Courses to support knowledge development for competency exams  Introduction to the MB Building Codes
Part 9 – The House
Part 9 – Plumbing
MB Building By-laws
Acceptable Equivalents ACBOA "Associate-Housing" Designation or
Equivalent to ACBOA "Associate-Housing" 
Designation from another Building Officials Association*
BCQ Part 9 Small Buildings - Level 9  
Exams Introduction to the MB Building Codes
Part 9 – The House
Part 9 – Small Buildings
Part 9 – Plumbing
Part 9.36 Energy Efficiency in Housing and Small Buildings
Part 9 - HVAC
Courses to support knowledge development for competency exams  Introduction to the MB Building Codes
Part 9 – The House
Part 9 – Small Buildings
Part 9 – Plumbing 
Acceptable Equivalents ACBOA "Associate-Part 9" Designation or
Equivalent to ACBOA "Associate-Part 9" 
Designation from another BOA*
BCQ Part 3 Buildings - Level 3  
Exams Introduction to the MB Building Codes
MB Building By-laws
Part 9 – The House
Part 9 – Small Buildings
Part 9 – Plumbing
Part 9.36 Energy Efficiency in Housing and Small Buildings
Part 9 - HVAC
Part 3 – Large Buildings
Part 3 – Complex Buildings
Courses to support knowledge development for competency exams  Introduction to the MB Building Codes
MB Building By-laws
Part 9 – The House 
Part 9 – Small Buildings
Part 9 – Plumbing
Part 9.36 Energy Efficiency in Housing and Small Buildings
Part 9 - HVAC
Part 3 – Large Buildings
Part 3 – Complex Buildings
Acceptable Equivalents ACBOA "Associate-Part 3" Designation or
Equivalent to ACBOA "Associate-Part 3" Designation from another BOA*

* MBOA requires that individuals who are applying for an MBOA designation based solely on holding an equivalent ACBOA or other BOA designations familiarize themselves with requirements of applicable Manitoba Legislation before requesting a Certification Level under the in-place MBOA Program.


Each designation consists of three levels of achievement.  Each certificate level reflects the type of construction of buildings an individual is certified and/or qualified to inspect or designs.

Certification Holders Enjoy These Important Benefits:

  • Expanded knowledge
  • Validation of technical expertise
  • National professional recognition
  • Increased salary potential
  • Personal satisfaction from having achieved a professional credential
  • Contribution to enhance the professional statue of the entire MBOA membership
  • Verification of commitment to protect public health, safety and welfare

Who Should Participate in the Certification Program?

  • Employees of municipal governments involved in the inspection of buildings.
  • Employees of the provincial government involved in the inspection of buildings.
  • Individuals who supervise persons involved in the inspection of buildings.
  • Individuals who deal with issues and/or make decisions pertaining to building standards.
  • Individuals interested in entering the field of building inspections.
  • Individuals involved or interested in related area.



In order to apply for Certification, applicants must be members in good standing with MBOA.  Not a current member of MBOA?  Click here to register for membership.