Membership Application

I/We hereby apply for membership in the Manitoba Building Officials Association Inc., as noted below: (please check one)

Check One:

2024 Membership Renewal (Membership Year: January 1-December 31)
New Member

Check One:

Membership Classification Annual Dues
Government Member $120.00
Government Members are individuals who develop, administer, apply, interpret and/or enforce Manitoba Building and/or Fire Code related statutes for or on behalf of a governmental or regulatory body, including one of the following:
(a) a duly legislated municipality, including those of countries other than Canada,
(b) the Government of Manitoba or its ministries, departments or agencies,
(c) the Government of Canada or its ministries, departments or agencies, or
(d) Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation (or its successor ministry, department or agency).
Government Group Rate $975.00
Associate Member $130.00
Associate Members are individuals who are directly or indirectly affected by Building Code regulations and are not otherwise entitled to status as a Government Member or other category of membership.
Associate Group Rate $975.00
*(Government and Associate Group Rate is available for organizations with 10 or more members.)
Student Rate $35.00
(a) enrolled full time in a program of study in Canada relating to the construction of buildings at a recognized post-secondary institution, or
(b) enrolled at a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada within an accredited program of study relating to building performance and maintenance, or
(c) enrolled at a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada in a program that would assist such person in the administration or enforcement of building standards

Mailing Address

Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Confirm Email:
Check here if you agree to have your contact information listed on the MBOA Directory listing and published in a members only section of the MBOA website.