The next public review of proposed changes to the 2020 National Model Codes is now open and the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) encourages your participation in the review.
The proposed changes included in this public review address various topics in the National Building Code of Canada, the National Plumbing Code of Canada, the National Fire Code of Canada, and the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings. Code users and interested parties are invited to visit the CBHCC’s website, examine the proposed changes, and provide feedback.
The public review runs from today until December 19, 2024. The review period is an opportunity for all Canadians to participate in the code development process.
Members of the relevant code development committees will review the comments received and make recommendations on the proposed changes. If approved, the code changes will be included in the 2025 editions of the National Model Codes.
We hope you will consider passing this notice along to your respective networks.
Jun’ichi Jensen and Thomas Ferguson
Co-Chairs, Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes
The Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) is active on X (Twitter) and LinkedIn! Follow along for the latest news and updates on Canada’s code development system.
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