Development of an R&D Roadmap

We are reaching out to gather industry insights for the Development of an R&D Roadmap for Industrialized Construction in Canada. Your expertise would be invaluable in shaping this initiative.

This short survey aims to identify the most impactful strategies for advancing industrialized construction (IC) and prioritizing key areas for productivity improvements and innovation. The results will help inform a roadmap to guide industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers on where to focus efforts for maximum benefit.

Your responses will remain confidential, and results will be reported in aggregate. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

Survey Form:

We appreciate your time and insights in helping to shape the future of IC in Canada. Please feel free to share this with colleagues who may also be interested.

Thank you in advance for your contribution.

Best regards,

Off-site Construction Research Centre 
W 506 470-8031 E


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