Membership Information

Membership in MBOA is available to individuals, firms, corporations, associations, governments and government agencies interested or engaged in the administration and enforcement of regulations related to buildings and structures and their planning, construction, demolition, alteration, renovation, maintenance, operation and renewal insofar as such matters relate to the fire prevention and protection, structural adequacy, safety, health, durability and the environment.

MBOA welcomes enquiries from prospective members, employers, government and public agencies, in its desire to be of service to the individual and to the building industry.

Membership Categories

Government Member

Government Members are individuals who develop, administer, apply, interpret and/or enforce building code related statutes for or on behalf of a governmental or regulatory body, including one of the following:

  1. a duly legislated municipality, including those of countries other than Canada,
  2. the Government of Manitoba or its ministries, departments or agencies,
  3. the Government of Canada or its ministries, departments or agencies, or
  4. Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation (or its successor ministry, department


Associate Members are individuals who are directly or indirectly affected by Building Code regulations and are not otherwise entitled to status as a Government Member or other category of membership.

(Active and Associate Group Rate is available for organizations with 10 or more members.)

Membership Benefits:

MBOA. offers benefits not only to the individual member, but as well to industry in general. Individual members reap the following benefits from belonging to the Association.

  • Association members are afforded the opportunity for personal growth and professional development by participating with colleagues in a wide variety of situations, both technical and social.
  • Membership in the Association, denoted by an attractive professional certificate, provides recognized professional standing in the community.
  • Through the communication network established between the Association and other professional provincial and national organizations, members have a chance to develop and maintain helpful professional contacts.
  • Various educational programs offered by the Association in partnership with Manitoba Department of Labor (Office of the Fire Commissioner) encourage and assist members to improve knowledge and skills.
  • Through close interface with our worldwide partners. Building officials are afforded a valuable opportunity to share work experience and concerns, promote meaningful legislation, and generally contribute to the advancement of building science.
  • Regular issues of an Association newsletter focus on fundamental interest and concerns of building officials, and keeps members abreast of significant developments in building technology.
  • Members are able to sharpen organizational and management skills by participating in an official capacity either on the executive or standing committee.
  • The M.B.O.A. is a full member of the Ontario Building Officials Association. Individual MBOA members for a yearly fee will have full access to all the OBOA membership services including training and certification.

MBOA assists industry by building upon qualifications of those individuals presently employed as building officials, and as well by supplying an ever-increasing number of fully qualified people in the inspection field.

Online Application for Membership